Social Business Entrepreneurs | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Source: Grameen-info |
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Muhammad Yunus
One Man Makes a Huge Difference
In Ending Poverty For Millions
"Poverty can be solved, declares Muhammad Yunus. Charity is not the way to help people in need; it is not a healthy basis for a relationship between people. If you want to solve poverty, you have to put people in a position to build their own life."
-- Ode Magazine interview with Muhammad Yunus, Issue 25, July 2005
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Social Entrepreneurship: The Case for Definition
Social entrepreneurship is attracting growing amounts of talent, money, and attention. But along with its increasing popularity has come less certainty about what exactly a social entrepreneur is and does. As a result, all sorts of activities are now being called social entrepreneurship. Some say that a more inclusive term is all for the good, but the authors argue that it’s time for a more rigorous definition.
The nascent field of social entrepreneurship is growing rapidly and attracting increased attention from many sectors. The term itself shows up frequently in the media, is referenced by public officials, has become common on university campuses, and informs the strategy of several prominent social sector organizations, including Ashoka and the Schwab and Skoll Foundation foundations.
The reasons behind the popularity of social entrepreneurship are many. On the most basic level, there’s something inherently interesting and appealing about entrepreneurs and the stories of why and how they do what they do. People are attracted to social entrepreneurs like last year’s Nobel Peace Prize laureate Muhammad Yunus for many of the same reasons that they find business entrepreneurs like Steve Jobs so compelling – these extraordinary people come up with brilliant ideas and against all the odds succeed at creating new products and services that dramatically improve people’s lives.
But interest in social entrepreneurship transcends the phenomenon of popularity and fascination with people. Social entrepreneurship signals the imperative to drive social change, and it is that potential payoff, with its lasting, transformational benefit to society, that sets the field and its practitioners apart.
Although the potential benefits offered by social entrepreneurship are clear to many of those promoting and funding these activities, the actual definition of what social entrepreneurs do to produce this order of magnitude return is less clear. In fact, we would argue that the definition of social entrepreneurship today is anything but clear. As a result, social entrepreneurship has become so inclusive that it now has an immense tent into which all manner of socially beneficial activities fit.
In some respects this inclusiveness could be a good thing. If plenty of resources are pouring into the social sector, and if many causes that otherwise would not get sufficient funding now get support because they are regarded as social entrepreneurship, then it may be fine to have a loose definition. We are inclined to argue, however, that this is a flawed assumption and a precarious stance.
Social entrepreneurship is an appealing construct precisely because it holds such high promise. If that promise is not fulfilled because too many “nonentrepreneurial” efforts are included in the definition, then social entrepreneurship will fall into disrepute, and the kernel of true social entrepreneurship will be lost. Because of this danger, we believe that we need a much sharper definition of social entrepreneurship, one that enables us to determine the extent to which an activity is and is not “in the tent.” Our goal is not to make an invidious comparison between the contributions made by traditional social service organizations and the results of social entrepreneurship, but simply to highlight what differentiates them.
If we can achieve a rigorous definition, then those who support social entrepreneurship can focus their resources on building and strengthening a concrete and identifiable field. Absent that discipline, proponents of social entrepreneurship run the risk of giving the skeptics an ever-expanding target to shoot at, and the cynics even more reason to discount social innovation and those who drive it.
Why Should We Care?
Long shunned by economists, whose interests have gravitated toward market-based, price-driven models that submit more readily to data-driven interpretation, entrepreneurship has experienced something of a renaissance of interest in recent years. Building on the foundation laid by Schumpeter, William Baumol and a handful of other scholars have sought to restore the entrepreneur’s rightful place in “production and distribution” theory, demonstrating in that process the seminal role of entrepreneurship.6 According to Carl Schramm, CEO of the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation, entrepreneurs, “despite being overlooked or explicitly written out of our economic drama,”7 are the free enterprise system’s essential ingredient and absolutely indispensable to market economies.
We are concerned that serious thinkers will also overlook social entrepreneurship, and we fear that the indiscriminate use of the term may undermine its significance and potential importance to those seeking to understand how societies change and progress. Social entrepreneurship, we believe, is as vital to the progress of societies as is entrepreneurship to the progress of economies, and it merits more rigorous, serious attention than it has attracted so far.
Clearly, there is much to be learned and understood about social entrepreneurship, including why its study may not be taken seriously. Our view is that a clearer definition of social entrepreneurship will aid the development of the field. The social entrepreneur should be understood as someone who targets an unfortunate but stable equilibrium that causes the neglect, marginalization, or suffering of a segment of humanity; who brings to bear on this situation his or her inspiration, direct action, creativity, courage, and fortitude; and who aims for and ultimately affects the establishment of a new stable equilibrium that secures permanent benefit for the targeted group and society at large.
This definition helps distinguish social entrepreneurship from social service provision and social activism. That social service providers, social activists, and social entrepreneurs will often adapt one another’s strategies and develop hybrid models is, to our minds, less inherently confusing and more respectful than indiscriminate use of these terms. It’s our hope that our categorization will help clarify the distinctive value each approach brings to society and lead ultimately to a better understanding and more informed decision making among those committed to advancing positive social change.
-posted by: Julia Buco 3rd BS/BAF
Social Entrepreneurship: More Than Words
By: Connette Gayle, 04/23/04
Much has been discussed and written recently about the burgeoning arena of social entrepreneurship, broadly defined as the process of using entrepreneurial skills to create innovative solutions to social needs. While relatively new, this idea offers an effective vehicle for skilled, socially-minded individuals to pursue their desires to create for-profit and nonprofit organizations that do well while also doing good.
But social entrepreneurship is not just something people are talking about. Many people are out there doing it - and they are making a real impact on a local and global scale.
In an effort to bring together both the practitioners and the thought leaders in this sector - and to encourage prospective entrepreneurs to pursue their social goals -
The conference focused specifically on social entrepreneurship advances in the
The keynote speeches and panel discussions extrapolated lessons from the experiences of noted social entrepreneurs and the challenges they face every day. Julius Walls Jr., Vice President of the Greyston Foundation and CEO of the Greyston Bakery, discussed the integration of for-profit and nonprofit sectors and the tension between the two bottom lines. Greyston Bakery ( is a Bronx-based company created to support the community development work of the Greyston Foundation, which includes housing, child care, health care, a computer learning center, and other services to support the surrounding community. Walls, who has a background in accounting, operations and marketing, stressed the importance of running the Bakery as a business, and explained the necessity of taking calculated risks. Walls' practical perspective reflected the spiritual and personal mission that he combines with pragmatism and business realism. All decisions weigh on the social and financial aspects, he pointed out, so the social mission might be secondary for short-term, but it will win out in the long-term.
The question, "What do you wish you had known before you started?" elicited some interesting experiences. Gillian Caldwell, Executive Director of Witness, a global organization that advances human rights advocacy through the use of video and communications technology, emphasized the importance of determining how to operationalize your mission. Her warning: "Nonprofits ignore infrastructure at their peril and must have accountability on the financial front."
Scott Berrie, co-founder of Scojo Vision, LLC, which designs and distributes reading glasses and donates 5% of its pretax profits to the distribution of reading glasses in underserved communities worldwide, explained the necessity of profits when pursuing a social mission: both components are necessary to achieve social impact.
Barbara Chang, the Executive Director of
The conference also focused on how best to use philanthropy to support social entrepreneurship. Harvey Dale, the founding President and Director of Atlantic Philanthropies, sprinkled his discussion with some of the tough questions facing the sector, such as: What is the proper spend rate? Should perpetuity be tolerated? Should a foundation ever give to an endowment? How long should one wait to make judgments on program effectiveness and success? Should the grantor-grantee relationship be thought of as a partnership? (See the recent article, Atlantic Philanthropies Walks the Talk, /prof_inter/pi2003-09-19.html).
Rather than answering these questions outright, Dale focused on the difficulties and intricacies involved in making these tough decisions.
The conference is actually part of a larger social entrepreneurship program at NYU's Stern School of Business that includes a course in social entrepreneurship and a Business Plan Competition that will award $50,000 to the top one or two ideas or organizations on April 30, 2004. Most recently, Stern announced the launch of the Stewart Satter Entrepreneurship Fund, a philanthropy fund to support educational initiatives and foster social venture creation within the School's community, seeded with a $300,000 donation. The fund is modeled on a real world foundation or venture philanthropy fund and will award its first set of grants in Fall 2004.
Stern's Social Entrepreneurship Program began in September 2003 in response to demand from the student body. Stern's
The Social Entrepreneurship Program, part of the
Many other graduate business schools, including Harvard, Columbia, Duke's Fuqua School, Stanford, to name but a few, have programs in social enterprise and many more are getting involved every year. There is cooperation and communication between these schools, which share the common objective of benefiting the social sector. Hopefully, the increased discussion around social entrepreneurship - bolstered by a growing record of successes -- will lead to increased support and encouragement of pioneering social pursuits.
-posted by: Julia Buco 3rd BS/BAFSocial Entrepreneurship and Business Growth
Written by Tim Morral for Gaebler Ventures
We take a look at the 4 C's of social entrepreneurship, a framework that allows businesses owners to assess their potential as social entrepreneurs while considering how being cause-oriented might impact the bottom line.
But sooner or later (usually sooner), questions arise about the potential impact doing good may have on the company's ability to achieve its business goals.
How does social entrepreneurship affect business growth? It depends. Some entrepreneurs have used their social commitment to enhance company growth while others have watched it send their business into a death spiral. Owners whose social passions have derailed their companies' growth prospects often walk away disillusioned, convinced that it's impossible to build a business and make a difference at the same time.
But business owners who have experienced business growth as a result of their social concern attribute much of their success to a well-thought strategy that takes into account both the company and the cause. To keep your business on-track, you would do well to consider the four C's before you jump into the deep end of social entrepreneurship.
For starters, you need to consider the compatibility between your company and your cause. Not every social concern will be a good fit for your company's products, services, and business philosophy. For example, if your business specializes in creating high-fat confections, a campaign to combat obesity might be counterproductive – unless you are willing to adapt your product line to include healthier alternatives.
But even if your company is compatible with your cause, you can't effectively utilize the cause to create growth unless you clearly connect your products and services with the cause itself. Consumers and employees both want to know how purchasing your product or supporting your business actually impacts the social issue you are passionate about. If you contribute a percentage of your company's profits to a specific cause, you've started the connection process. But to reap the full benefit for your cause and your company, you'll need to constantly explore fresh ways to use your products as a tool for raising awareness and making an impact.
It's noble that you are committed to a cause. But until you adequately communicate your commitment to your customers and employees, your commitment won't do either your company or your cause much good. Successful social entrepreneurs make a serious effort to use their business as a resource for educating others about their cause. In-store displays, advertising initiatives, product packaging – these are all great places to display information about the issue you are passionate about and what your company is doing to make the world a better place.
Although there are some things you can dabble in, social entrepreneurship isn't one of them. As a social entrepreneur, it's impossible to achieve real business growth unless you are fully committed to making your cause an integral part of your company's ethos and mission. At some point, your social commitment will enter into your decision-making process, and a tentative commitment will cause you to be perceived as hypocritical and disingenuous.
Tim Morral is a freelance writer specializing in topics related to the business and nonprofit communities. Based in
- posted by: Julia Buco 3rd BS/BAF)
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
The Filipino economy is heavily dependent on remittances, or money sent home from workers abroad. It is an oversimplification to say that this alone contributes to a stagnant local economy. But a dependence on international labor markets where close to a million workers per year, including many of the country’s best and brightest, seek employment elsewhere has an undeniable impact on the local economy’s productivity and ability to generate new jobs.
Studies have shown that OFW savings are generally spent fulfilling the basic needs of the family: improving housing, funding educational opportunities for children, and starting or investing in small businesses such as sari-sari stores (your local bodega shop) or money lending businesses. The issue with starting businesses is that many OFWs lack the technical or financial skills required to run a successful operation.
Best Choice is an example of a need being identified, in this case a lack of noodles and fruit preserves, and met with sound business skills and know-how. Best Choice is an example of money being used to not only generate profit for an individual and his/her family, but also to create jobs where previously there were none, and share the wealth. It is a glimmer of possibility for the Filipino economy that the billions of dollars pouring in from abroad can be used towards creating local employment opportunities, where perhaps one day Filipinos will be able to choose between staying in their country or moving abroad for work out of preference, not necessity.
While jobs can be scarce in the Philippines, particularly to those who have not attended a big name university, the global market is hungry for low-skilled, low paying jobs such as domestic and agricultural work that may be viewed as undesirable to those living in the developed world. Globalization has brought countries and economies across the world closer together. A country like the Philippines, who’s economy is based largely on exporting labor, has reacted to this increased connectivity by meeting international demand for these low-skilled jobs.
What is Social Entrepreneurship?
Unlike traditional business entrepreneurs, social entrepreneurs primarily seek to generate "social value" rather than profits. And unlike the majority of non-profit organizations, their work is targeted not only towards immediate, small-scale effects, but sweeping, long-term change.
"Social entrepreneurs identify resources where people only see problems. They view the villagers as the solution, not the passive beneficiary. They begin with the assumption of competence and unleash resources in the communities they're serving."
David Bornstein, author of How to Change the World: Social Entrepreneurs and the Power of New Ideas
The job of a social entrepreneur is to recognize when a part of society is stuck and to provide new ways to get it unstuck. He or she finds what is not working and solves the problem by changing the system, spreading the solution and persuading entire societies to take new leaps.
Identifying and solving large-scale social problems requires a committed person with a vision and determination to persist in the face of daunting odds. Ultimately, social entrepreneurs are driven to produce measurable impact by opening up new pathways for the marginalized and disadvantaged, and unlocking society's full potential to effect social change.
The past two decades have seen an explosion of entrepreneurship and a healthy competition in the social sector, which has discovered what the business sector learned from the railroad, the stock market and the digital revolution: Nothing is as powerful as a big new idea if it is in the hands of a first class entrepreneur.
"Social entrepreneurs are not content just to give a fish or teach how to fish. They will not rest until they have revolutionized the fishing industry."
Bill Drayton, CEO, chair and founder of Ashoka
This revolution is fundamentally changing the way society organizes itself and the way we approach social problems.
The stories featured in The New Heroes showcase the work of social entrepreneurs whose innovations are bringing electricity, water, medicine and other life-changing tools and resources to people in the developing world. Each story illustrates the results possible when an innovative idea is coupled with a strategy for action and an entrepreneur's indomitable will.
Written by Gautam Patil for Gaebler Ventures
There's a new breed of entrepreneurs that has helped marry what have so far seemed like opposing ideas – market forces and social welfare.
Bringing together their heart and the market and backing it with a fierce determination and persistence, 'social entrepreneurs' have been instrumental in solving many pressing social problems. (article continues below)
Serving those masses that the markets had shied away from a long time ago, they've changed many lives with simple, user-friendly and practical ideas.
Social entrepreneurs combine market mechanisms with innovative business models to make these products affordable and available to larger masses of society.
Dr. Albina Ruiz, an industrial engineer from Peru, has formed a community based system called Ciudad Saludable (Healthy Cities) which has turned solid waste management into a profitable and sustainable venture. Beginning with smaller towns where most solid waste was relegated to land fills in the suburbs and rag pickers sorted waste manually risking their health.
She has developed a system wherein residents pay token amounts to get the garbage cleared and anything of economic value is then salvaged from this waste (plastic waste is recycled and organic waste is turned into compost). The whole system is run by former rag pickers who're trained by Dr. Albina Ruiz's organization. Thus helping them earn a decent livelihood and also keeping the town clean. This approach is now being scaled for larger cities and townships as well.
Jacqueline Novogratz, Founder and CEO of Acumen Fund, explains the difference between philanthropy and social entrepreneurship, "The market is the best listening device that we have. If I offer you a gift, you're going to tell me that you like it. If I offer you something you have to pay for you may tell me you can't afford to pay -- but you may tell me you really want it and I have to figure out a way to get it to you for free. Not all my customers are really going to need it for free. Some of the people are going to have to pay some of the cost."
As another excellent example of social entrepreneurship, Mr. Harish Hande has harnessed solar power to light up thousands of lives.
Mr. Hande's startup, SELCO (based out of Bangalore, India), engineers solar equipment to serve a clientele that lies in far flung regions of India not served by the electrical grid.
He has also developed solar power as an alternative for conventional fuel based lighting systems currently used by hawkers and stall owners. Mr. Hande's understanding of financial nuances is also impressive. A lot of hawkers balked when they were asked to cough up 220 rupees a month to rent the solar lamp. To prove that it would be cheaper than the kerosene lamp, they were given a box and asked to put, on a daily basis, the amount they would've otherwise spent on kerosene. At the end of the month, the box was emptied and the result was clear. In a world given to monthly salaries and EMIs, we're unaware of those whose cash flows vary daily (daily wage laborers) or with seasons (farmers).
So why aren't these superstar ventures and ideas backed by venture capital money? Very few funds operate in this segment and most are backed by philanthropic institutions or other similar organizations.
The answer, I believe, lies in the returns these ventures provide and scale related issues. Social entrepreneurs are faced with a paradox when it comes to scaling their business.
On one hand, they'd like to make their products as affordable as possible which in turn limits their profitability. On the other hand, though scaling - due to economies of scale - is likely to make their products cheaper (and more widely available, which happens to be another important objective) it requires capital in the form of accrued cash flows (historical profits) or a fresh infusion.
Traditional start up firms may get a fresh infusion because there is a promise of huge profits once the business is scaled. But start ups by social entrepreneurs do not guarantee such returns even if completely scaled because the foremost objective is to make their products affordable - thus limiting profits - and also more widely available. In fulfilling the second objective, they may price discriminate, thus any profits made by selling their product to a relatively well off customer are offset by the losses incurred in selling a product below cost to a poor customer.
However, it is possible to theorize that not all investors seek returns that are purely financial. It would be handy to borrow a few lessons from the utility theory of microeconomics at this point.
Philanthropists derive utility from charity just as financial investors derive utility from the financial returns on their investments. In the former case it's due to the welfare of some other person and in the latter it's presumably out of consumption. Applying this principle, it could be possible to find investors who could be willing to divide their net expected utility into financial returns and social welfare in varying proportions.
Thus, it could be possible to form a so called 'social exchange'. A hypothetical example would be a firm promising a 6% dividend annually though the stocks of other listed companies might have higher yields on an average.
This social exchange could mobilize immense amount of capital to pump into 'social ventures' if suitable investors are found. This idea however has some problems. An important problem is an agreement on objectives because objectives will determine financial and social outcomes. In a 'regular' public firm, naively speaking, only the financial outcome is important because investors can later choose to consume the returns in any way they deem fit.
However, in a social venture that's gone public, financial and social results could become conflicting goals. The solution in this case lies in having a concentrated ownership with likeminded investors and that, as is evident, is the prevailing model. This however, will make it difficult to bring in the 'retail social investor'.
However, meanwhile, it would be interesting to track the careers of these social entrepreneurs, their ventures and the changes they will bring about in the near future.
Social Enterprise (Social Entrepreneurship)
"Nonprofits have to recognize that they're businesses, not just causes. There's a way to combine the very best of the not-for-profit, philanthropic world with the very best of the for-profit, enterprising world. This hybrid is the wave of the future for both profit and nonprofit companies."
-- From "Genius At Work" - an interview with Bill Strickland, CEO of the Manchester Craftsmen's Guild and the Bidwell Training Center Inc.
The nonprofit environment has changed.
Community needs are growing in size and diversity.
More nonprofits are competing for government and philanthropic funds.
Traditional forms of funding are becoming smaller and less reliable.
New for-profit businesses are competing with nonprofits to serve community needs.
Funders and donors are demanding more accountability.
"In the face of this new reality, an increasing number of forward-looking nonprofits are beginning to appreciate the increased revenue, focus and effectiveness that can come from adopting "for profit" business approaches. Increasingly, they are reinventing themselves as social entrepreneurs, combining "the passion of a social mission with an image of business-like discipline, innovation, and determination."
-- From "The Meaning of Social Entrepreneurship" by J. Gregory Dees.
Background on Social Entrepreneurship
Jane Addams founded Hull-House in 1889, a social settlement to improve conditions in a poor immigrant neighborhood in Chicago, then expanded her efforts nationally. Addams gained international recognition as an advocate of women's rights, pacifism and internationalism, and served as the founding president of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom. Her work ultimately resulted in protective legislation for women and children.
Maria Montessori, the first female physician in Italy, began working with children in 1906 and created a revolutionary education method that supports each individual child's unique development. Montessori schools allow each child to realize his or her full potential by fostering social skills, emotional growth and physical coordination, in addition to cognitive preparation.
Muhammad Yunus revolutionized economics by founding the Grameen Bank, or "village bank," in Bangladesh in 1976 to offer "microloans" to help impoverished people attain economic self-sufficiency through self-employment, a model that has been replicated in 58 countries around the world.
As the actions of these historical figures illustrate, the term "social entrepreneur" may be relatively new, but the phenomenon is not.
"Social entrepreneurs are not content just to give a fish or teach how to fish. They will not rest until they have revolutionized the fishing industry."
— Bill Drayton, CEO, chair and founder of Ashoka, a global nonprofit organization devoted to developing the profession of social entrepreneurship
Just as entrepreneurs change the face of business, social entrepreneurs act as the change agents for society, seizing opportunities others miss and improving systems, inventing new approaches and creating sustainable solutions to change society for the better. However, unlike business entrepreneurs who are motivated by profits, social entrepreneurs are motivated to improve society. Despite this difference, social entrepreneurs are just as innovative and change oriented as their business counterparts, searching for new and better ways to solve the problems that plague society.
Social entrepreneurs are:
Ambitious: Social entrepreneurs tackle major social issues, from increasing the college enrollment rate of low-income students to fighting poverty in developing countries. These entrepreneurial leaders operate in all kinds of organizations: innovative nonprofits, social purpose ventures such as for-profit community development banks, and hybrid organizations that mix elements of nonprofit and for-profit organizations.
Mission driven: Generating social value-not wealth-is the central criterion of a successful social entrepreneur. While wealth creation may be part of the process, it is not an end in itself. Promoting systemic social change is the real objective.
Strategic: Like business entrepreneurs, social entrepreneurs see and act upon what others miss: opportunities to improve systems, create solutions and invent new approaches that create social value. And like the best business entrepreneurs, social entrepreneurs are intensely focused and hard-driving-even relentless-in their pursuit of a social vision.
Resourceful: Because social entrepreneurs operate within a social context rather than the business world, they have limited access to capital and traditional market support systems. As a result, social entrepreneurs must be exceptionally skilled at mustering and mobilizing human, financial and political resources.
Results oriented: Ultimately, social entrepreneurs are driven to produce measurable returns. These results transform existing realities, open up new pathways for the marginalized and disadvantaged, and unlock society’s potential to effect social change.
Today, social entrepreneurs are working in many countries to create avenues for independence and opportunity for those who otherwise would be locked into lives without hope. They range from Jim Fruchterman of Benetech, who uses technology to address pressing social problems such as the reporting of human rights violations, to John Wood of Room to Read, who helps underprivileged children gain control of their lives through literacy. They include Marie Teresa Leal, whose sewing cooperative in Brazil respects the environment and fair labor practices, and Inderjit Khurana, who teaches homeless children in India at the train stations where they beg from passengers.
Whether they are working on a local or international scale, social entrepreneurs share a commitment to pioneering innovation that reshape society and benefit humanity. Quite simply, they are solution-minded pragmatists who are not afraid to tackle some of the world’s biggest problems.
Born: 28-Jun-1940Birthplace: Chittagong, Bangladesh
Gender: MaleReligion: MuslimRace or Ethnicity: Asian/IndianSexual orientation: StraightOccupation: Business
Nationality: Bangladesh
Executive summary: Banker to the Poor
Born in 1940's East Pakistan prior to the independence of Bangladesh, Yunus' family was prosperous and he was able to attend preperatory school and college in his home country, earning a MA in economics. After an excursion into the printing business which he pawned off onto other members of his family, a Fulbright Scholarship and 98th percentile score on the Graduate Record Exam permitted Yunus to attend Vanderbilt University where he earned a doctorate in Economics. He taught in Colorado and now teaches in Bangladesh.
Towards the end of his seven year stay in America, Yunus supported the Bangladeshi freedom movement after West Pakistani forces occupied the capital, Dhaka. Upon returning to Bangladesh and observing the poverty of rural citizens and their dealings with extortionist moneylenders, Yunus came upon the idea of microlending. His discovery was that a tiny bit of money had a great impact if it were lent to the women of Bangladeshi families. After hesitation from banks, a state bank was chartered for this purpose and three million families have received loans. Of these, 46% or so have since escaped poverty (in Bangladeshi terms.)
Yunus' methods have been applied to Burma and in Kosovo, with success. He now is embarking upon an effort to "elminate poverty entirely" in Bangladesh, and by extension via the U.N. to other places, by using these and similar techniques. In 2007, his Grameen Bank began offering loans to impoverished Americans.
1. An introduction to Social Entrepreneurship
A social entrepreneur identifies and solves social problems on a large scale. Just as business entrepreneurs create and transform whole industries, social entrepreneurs act as the change agents for society, seizing opportunities others miss in order to improve systems, invent and disseminate new approaches and advance sustainable solutions that create social value.
Unlike traditional business entrepreneurs, social entrepreneurs primarily seek to generate "social value" rather than just profits. The job of a social entrepreneur is to recognize when a part of society is stuck and to provide new ways to get it unstuck. He or she finds what is not working and solves the problem by changing the system, spreading the solution and persuading entire societies to take new leaps.
Source - The New Heroes/Public Broadcasting System
Definition & Resources from the Skoll Centre for Social Entreprenurship at the Said Business School in Oxford
Glossary of Useful Terms in Social Enterpreneurship:
2. Links to selected relevant organisations
EBBF has selected for you a few of the most credible and active organisations where you will be able to deepen your research into this topic.
School for Social Entrepreneurship
Harvard Social Enterprise Program
Skoll Center for Social Entrepreneurship at Oxford Business School
Social Enterprise Coalition
Stanford Business School - Social Innovation
Columbia Business School - Social Enterprise
Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship
The Hub
3. Start a Non Profit or Social Enterprise
We have also selected for you a useful practical guide containing resources on how to start your own Social enterprise, with suggestions and ideas including the all important section for grants and financial assistance.
HBS Business Plan Contest, Social Enterprise TrackHarvard Business SchoolA venue for HBS students interested in developing plans for social-purpose ventures.
How to Form a Nonprofit CorporationAnthony Mancuso - Nolo Press, 2002Step-by-step instructions on forming a nonprofit corporation. Focus is on legal and tax considerations.
Social Entrepreneurship and Commercial Entrepreneurship: Same, Different, or Both?Harvard Business School, 2003 - James Austin, Howard Stevenson, Jane Wei-SkillernWorking Paper
Starting Your BusinessSmall Business AdministrationStart-up basics, including planning, finance, marketing, and legal.
Venture Capital-Associations and OrganizationsHarvard Business SchoolResources to identify funding and investment sources.
Sources of Financing for New Nonprofit Ventures (Harvard Business School case #9-391-097)
John Simon, "The Tax Treatment of Nonprofit Organizations: A Review of Federal and State Policies," The Nonprofit Sector: A Research Handbook, edited by Walter W. Powell (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1987).
Starting and Running a Nonprofit Organization, by Joan M. Hummel. A "how to" on starting-up a nonprofit.
Financial Management for Nonprofits: The Complete Guide to Maximizing Resources and Managing Assets, by Joel G. Siegel and Jae K. Shim. A practical guide for financial managers in a variety of nonprofit organizations.
The Law of Tax-Exempt Organizations (7th edition), by Bruce R. Hopkins.
How to Form a Nonprofit Corporation (4th Ed), by Anthony Mancuso. From Nolo Press.
The Complete Guide to Nonprofit Corporations/Step-By-Step Guidelines, Procedures and Forms to Maintain a Nonprofit Corporation, by Ted Nicholas. Keeping your nonprofit "legal."
Street smart Financial Basics for Nonprofit Managers/Book and Disk, by Thomas A. McLaughlin. Financial management for nonprofits.
Internet Nonprofit Center (INC)
Nonprofit Resource Center
Blended Value Map
Boston Community Capital
Calvert Social Venture Capital
Commons Capital
Columbia University's RISE Directory
Investors' Circle
Roberts Enterprise Development Fund
Ashoka: Innovators for the Public
BoardSource (formerly The National Center for Nonprofit Boards)
Brody, Weiser, Burns
Community Development Venture Capital Alliance
Annual Register of Grant Support:A Directory of Funding SourcesBowker, published annually Ref. AS 911 .A2 A67Organizations ranging from the humanities to technology and industry. Includes contact information, areas of interest, type of funding, geographic restrictions, eligibility, amount of award, number of applicants and awards given.
Council on FoundationsAssociation of grantmaking foundations and corporations. Web site features the history of foundations, information for potential donors, and links to foundations.
The Foundation CenterOrganization that collects, organizes, and publishes information on U.S. philanthropy. Provides education, training, and a variety of helpful resources on their Web site.
The Foundation DirectoryFoundation Center, published annually Ref. AS 911 .A2 F65 Private and community grant-making foundations in the U.S. that meet financial criteria of at least $2 million in assets and $200,000 in annual giving. Includes management names, types of support, fields of interest, activities, publications, officers, trustees, and selected grant awards.
Echoing green foundation
Entrepreneurs Foundation
Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation
Haas Social Venture Business Plan Competition
Investors Circle
Morino Institute
National Gathering for Social Entrepreneurs
Nonprofit Enterprise and Self-sustainability Team
Northland Institute
Social Venture Network
Society for Nonprofit Organizations (Nonprofit World)
The School for Social Entrepreneurs (London, England)
W. K. Kellogg Foundation
4.Ideas for a career in this area
The following is a list of some of the organisations where you may be able to find your path in this area
The Chronicle of Philanthropy job openings
The Nonprofit career network
Opportunity NOCs
International Career Employment Center
InteractionSeveral key resources which are useful to people seeking paid or volunteer positions -- in the US and abroad -- with international relief and development agencies
America's Promise jobs
Charity Channel
Council on Foundations
Foundation Center
Dot Org Jobs
5. More Social Enterprise business guides
Here you will find additional books and resources guiding you in your career as a social enterpreneur.
Careers in Non-profits and Government AgenciesWetFeet, published irregularlyCareer HD2769.2.U6 W466Guide provides profiles and background information on the top companies and agencies, job opportunities, and information on the recruiting process.
The Chronicle of Philanthropy Job ListingsIndustry trade journal.Includes many executive-level jobs, news, and advice.
National Directory of Nonprofit OrganizationsThe Taft Group, published annuallyLocate leads for positions at nonprofit organizations.
The NonProfit TimesSource for salary surveys, lists of top nonprofits, and special industry reports.
Print journalavailable in library.
(Information on a wide-range of entrepreneurial topics)
Small Business Administration(Information on legal issues, business planning, software, and other resources.)Timmons, New Venture Creation: Entrepreneurship for the 21st century, 4th ed. Irwin, 1994Merrill, Raising Money: Venture funding and how to get it. AMA 1990Roberts, Entrepreneurs in High Technology: Lessons from MIT and Beyond, Oxford, 1991Venture Capital Journal, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, Red Herring, Upside (Periodical)See other resources on the Business Plan Contest web site Getting Started
HBS EntrepreneursBaker LibraryHB615 .H339 2003A video collection of 27 HBS alumnae sharing their experiences and insights on entrepreneurial strategy, opportunities, and leadership.Also available online
Small Business Profiles: A Guide to Today's Top Opportunities for EntrepreneursGale Research, published annuallyRef. HD2346.U5 S65A two-volume set of general business and specific topic profiles, state listings, and federal assistance available for small companies based primarily in the U.S. and Canada.
StartupJournalWall Street Journal published dailyFeatures articles by columnists advising how to start and run a business.
U.S. Small Business AdministrationU.S. Small Business AdministrationAccess to government information and services on areas such as financial assistance, laws and regulations, taxes, international trade, and workplace issues.
SBA Office of Advocacypublishes research studies on growth, financing, and management for Minorities in Business and Women in Business.
See also the "Property Types" section of the Real Estate Guide for additional resources on commercial space, and the "Negotiate" section of the Careers Guide for hiring employees and forecasting salaries.
Business.govU.S. Small Business AdministrationLegal and regulatory information for America's small businesses.
CCH Small Business GuideBusiness Owner's ToolkitAdvice on the costs involved for office and equipment and the issues surrounding the people who work for you
OfficeFinderUseful tools for calculating office or industrial space needs. Real estate services offered.
Salary.comSalary Wizard tool calculates compensation ranges for a broad range of positions.
Starting a Business and Keeping RecordsInternal Revenue ServiceRecommended reading from the IRS on taxes and accounting, there is also tax information for charities and nonprofits
IRS Web siteprovides additional tax information for small businesses and the self-employed.
Directory of Operating Small Business Investment CompaniesU.S. Small Business Administration, published annually - Ref. HG 3729 .U5 D56Arranged by state, gives contact information, preferred investment size, investment type, and geographic preference. Also available online - Kauffman FoundationSearchable database of articles, tools, events, and audio clips on entrepreneurship.
Entrepreneur MagazineEntrepreneur Media, Inc. published monthlyAdvice, tools, and articles on how to grow and manage your business.
Inc. MagazineUnited Marine Publications, published monthlyArticles and columns on many aspects and tasks for business management including the Internet, IT, taxation, regulation, and going global.Tip: Their Web site has helpful sections on funding, on growth strategies.
Family Business ReviewABI/InformScholarly articles and case studies on the challenges and issues surrounding family-run businesses.
The Three Components of Family GovernancePart three in a series of articles by HBS senior lecturer John Davis on the challenges of governing family-run businesses.Tip: See related articles Governing the Family-Run Business
Organizing the Family-Run Business
Closing a BusinessInternal Revenue ServiceCovers tax procedures involved with closing or selling a business.
Getting Out of Your BusinessProvides options and practical advice on how to pass on to family, sell, or close.
What's Your Exit Strategy?Peter H. Engel, Prima Publications, 1999 - HD30.28 .E54 1999Explains how to have the right departure plan in place to protect both your business wealth and financial security.Corporate Social Responsibility
Business & Human Rights Resource CentreMaterials published by companies, NGOs, governments, intergovernmental organizations, journalists, and academics. Reports of corporate misconduct, as well as positive examples of best practices.Tip: Partners with Harvard's
Francois-Xavier Bagnoud Center for Health and Human RightsNational Directory of Corporate GivingThe Foundation Center, 2003Detailed portraits of corporate foundations and direct giving programs. Includes application guidelines, key personnel, types of support awarded, giving limitations, and financial data.Tip: Search for corporate foundations on publisher's Web site
Nonprofit and Business Sector CollaborationEdited by Walter W. Wymer Jr. and Sridhar SamuExplores types of collaborations, social enterprises, cause-related marketing, sponsorships, and other corporate-nonprofit dealings.
Managing and Measuring Social EnterprisesRob Paton - SAGE, 2003A range of performance measurements and improvement methods, including balanced scorecards, process benchmarking, and externally accredited standards.
The New Nonprofit Almanac and Desk ReferenceMurray S. Weitzman - Jossey-Bass, 2002Facts and figures. Includes number of organizations in the sector, income, value of volunteers, number of people employed, wages/salaries, and employment trends. Analyzes current giving trends and the effect of tax laws.
Innovation Network, Inc.This nonprofit organization offers evaluation consulting, training, Web-based tools, and outreach for other nonprofits.
Measuring What Matters in NonprofitsMcKinsey & CompanySeveral pragmatic approaches to quantifying success. Free registration is required to read the full text.Tip: See more nonprofit articles from McKinsey Quarterly Academic Research & Publications
Frontiers of Entrepreneurial ResearchBabson College Center for Entrepreneurial StudiesA browsable list of papers from the annual Conference on Entrepreneurship. The archives go back to 1981, full-text available from 1994.
International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour & ResearchMCB University Press, published monthly(Harvard users only)Covers the impact and contributions entrepreneurship and small businesses make in society and economics.
Journal of Business VenturingElsevier, published bimonthly
eJournalCovers international entrepreneurship, new business development, and innovation.
6. Bibliography
The following is a list of some of the most relevant publications on this subject. (Source: The Institute for Social Entrepreneurs)
Alter, Sutia Kim. Managing the Double Bottom Line: A Business Planning Guide for Social Enterprises. Washington, D.C.: Save The Children, 2000
Andreasen, Alan R. "Profits for Nonprofits: Find a Corporate Partner. It Takes a Strategist to Survive a Marketing Alliance," Harvard Business Review, November-December 1996, pp. 47-59
Austin, James E. The Collaboration Challenge: How Nonprofits and Businesses Succeed Through Strategic Alliances. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers, 2000
Barker, Joel Arthur. Paradigms: The Business of Discovering the Future. New York: HarperBusiness, A Division of HarperCollins Publishers, 1992
Billitteri, Thomas J. "Venturing a Bet on Giving," The Chronicle of Philanthropy, June 1, 2000, pp. 1, 7-12
Blazek, Jody. "Unrelated Business Income A Primer," Board Member (published by the National Center for Nonprofit Boards), July/August 1999
Boschee, Jerr. "Eight basic principles for nonprofit entrepreneurs," Nonprofit World, July-August 2001, pp. 15-18.
Boschee, Jerr. "Entrepreneurial strategic planning and the organized abandonment process" (to be published in Nonprofit World magazine in 2003): Please click on both items
Boschee, Jerr. Merging Mission and Money: A Board Member's Guide to Social Entrepreneurship. Washington, D.C.: National Center for Nonprofit Boards, 1998
Boschee, Jerr. The Social Enterprise Sourcebook. Minneapolis: Northland Institute, 2001
Boschee, Jerr. "Social Entrepreneurship: Some Nonprofits are Not Only Thinking about the Unthinkable, They're Doing It - Running a Profit," Across the Board (Conference Board magazine), March 1995, pp. 20-25
Brown, Peter C. The Complete Guide to Money Making Ventures for Nonprofit Organizations. Washington, DC: Taft Publishing Group, 1986
Bygrave, William D. The Portable MBA in Entrepreneurship. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1994
The Changemakers Review. Ashoka: Innovators for the Public, 1700 North Moore Street, Suite 2000, Arlington, VA 22209, 1-703-527-8300
Collins, James C., and Jerry I. Porras. Built to Last: Successful Habits of Visionary Companies. New York: HarperCollins Publishers, Inc., 1994
Community Wealth Ventures Incorporated. Venture Philanthropy 2001: The Changing Landscape. Washington, D.C.: Morino Institute, 2001
Davis, Lee, and Nicole Etchart. Profits for Nonprofits: An Assessment of the Challenges in NGO Self-Financing. Providencia, Santiago, Chile: Nonprofit Enterprise and Self-sustainability Team (NESsT), 1999
Dees, J. Gregory, Jed Emerson and Peter Economy. Enterprising Nonprofits: A Toolkit for Social Entrepreneurs. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2001
Dees, J. Gregory. "Enterprising Non-Profits: What Do You Do When Traditional Sources of Funding Fall Short?" Harvard Business Review, January-February 1998, pp. 5-15.
DuRand, John. The Affirmative Enterprise. St. Paul, MN: MDI Press, 1990
Emerson, Jed, and Fay Twersky. New Social Entrepreneurs: The Success, Challenge and Lessons of Non-profit Enterprise Creation. San Francisco: Roberts Foundation, Homeless Economic Development Fund, 1996
Firstenberg, Paul B. Managing for Profit in the Nonprofit World. New York: The Foundation Center, 1986
Hawken, Paul. Growing a Business. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1987
Inc., The Magazine for Growing Companies. P.O. Box 54129, Boulder, CO 80322-4129
Kotler, Philip and Alan R. Andreasen. Strategic Marketing for Nonprofit Organizations (Fifth Edition). New York: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1995
Larson, Rolfe. Venture Forth! The Essential Guide to Starting a Moneymaking Business in Your Nonprofit Organization. St. Paul, Minnesota: Amherst H. Wilder Foundation, 2002
Letts, Christine W., William P. Ryan and Allen Grossman. "Virtuous Capital: What Foundations Can Learn from Venture Capitalists," Harvard Business Review, March-April 1997, pp. 36-44
McKinsey & Company. Effective Capacity Building in Nonprofit Organizations. Reston, Virginia: Venture Philanthropy Partners, 2001
McLaughlin, Thomas A. Nonprofit Mergers and Alliances: A Strategic Planning Guide. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1998
Nonprofit World, The National Nonprofit Leadership and Management Journal. The Society for Nonprofit Organizations, 5820 Canton Center Road, Suite 165, Canton, Michigan 48187, 1-800-424-7367
Reis, Thomas K. and Stephanie J. Clohesy. Unleashing New Resources and Entrepreneurship for the Common Good: A Scan, Synthesis and Scenario for Action. Battle Creek, Michigan: The W. K. Kellogg Foundation, 1999
Roberts Enterprise Development Fund. Social Return on Investment: SROI.
Ryan, William P. "The New Landscape for Nonprofits," Harvard Business Review, Jan-Feb 1999, pp. 127-136
Robinson, Andy. Selling Social Change (Without Selling Out). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2002
Shore, Bill. Revolution of the Heart: A New Strategy for Creating Wealth and Meaningful Change. New York: Riverhead Books, published by The Berkeley Publishing Group, 1995
Shore, Bill. The Cathedral Within: Transforming Your Life by Giving Something Back. New York: Random House, 1999
Skloot, Edward (editor). The Nonprofit Entrepreneur: Creating Ventures to Earn Income. New York: The Foundation Center, 1988
Steckel, Dr. Richard, with Robin Simons and Peter Lengsfelder. Filthy Rich & Other Nonprofit Fantasies: Changing the Way Nonprofits Do Business in the '90s. Berkeley, CA: Ten Speed Press, 1989
Steckel, Dr. Richard, Robin Simons, Jeffrey Simons and Norman Tanen. Making Money While Making a Difference: How to Profit with a Nonprofit Partner. Homewood, Illinois: High Tide Press, Inc., 1999
Stehle, Vince. "Putting Charities in Business," The Chronicle of Philanthropy, October 3, 1996, pp. 1 et al
Trout, Jack, and Al Reis. The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing. New York: HarperCollins Publishers, Inc., 1993
Tuan, Melinda and Jed Emerson. "The Roberts Enterprise Development Fund: A Case Study on Venture Philanthropy," Social Purpose Enterprises and Venture Philanthropy in the New Millennium, Volume II. San Francisco: Roberts Enterprise Development Fund, 1999
"A New Guard Emerges," The Chronicle of Philanthropy, January 14, 1999, pp. 1 et al
7. Other articles and documents
Here you have access to a number of articles and documents produced by EBBF members and friends of EBBF. These are offered as supporting materials but views expressed in these papers are the authors' own and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Baha'i Business Forum.
A growing but relatively new segment of business which clearly puts purpose before profit is that of social entrepreneurship. A species in the genus “entrepreneur”, these enterprises combine two features: a social purpose and an entrepreneurial strategy. Usually the identification of a social need, opportunity and purpose precede the business plan and consideration for the potential economic value added for investors. These initiatives offer innovative approaches for dealing with complex social needs and often blur the traditional boundaries between the private, public and non-profit sectors in emphasizing hybrid models of for-profit and non-profit activities. In effect, we find a new generation of ‘social entrepreneurs’ driven by innovators using market-based approaches to solve social problems.
In addition to innovative not-for-profit ventures, such as Centrica, which has developed a viable work-placement scheme for disadvantaged people, social entrepreneurs may create and run profit-making enterprises such as for-profit community development banks. Whatever the mixture of private, public and non-profit interests, such enterprises incorporate viable business models and a social purpose. Here is a wonderful example:
GrameenPhone is a nation-wide cellular network in Bangledesh that provides telephone access to all, including the rural poor, by adding cellular telephony to village-based micro-enterprise organized by Grameen Bank. It is a consortium of Grameen Bank, Telenor, Marubeni Capital and Genofone.
Social entrepreneurs are important sources of innovation and creativity. They identify new or unmet social needs and then find underutilized resources to meet these needs. They tend to be driven, ambitious leaders with great skills in networking and communicating the purpose and inspiring staffs, users and partners.
Social entrepreneurship is capturing the hearts of a new generation of MBA students both in Europe and North America. Harvard Business School, the cradle of traditional practices in large companies, now has a distinct faculty for social enterprise and teaches a number of courses. Its Social Enterprise Club is the largest and most active on campus. The Global Social Venture Competition (GSVC) is a partnership of the University of California at Berkeley, Columbia Business School, London Business School and the Goldman Sacks Foundation. Its mission is to promote entrepreneurial businesses that have clear and quantifiable social objectives and are financially sustainable. This year, 225 MBA students from 55 business schools in 11 countries, submitted 129 proposals. McKinsey & Company has a network of over 1,400 alumni in 50 countries interested in social enterprise and development.